World News in Arabic

Новости за 02.07.2024

بايدن يهاجم قرار المحكمة بشأن "حصانة" ترامب

RT Arabic 

انتقد الرئيس الأمريكي، جو بايدن، قرار المحكمة العليا بشأن الحصانة الرئاسية، الذي قضى بأن الرؤساء يتمتعون بحصانة مطلقة من الملاحقة القضائية عن الأعمال الرسمية الأساسية.

صربيا.. توقيف رجل بحوزته قوس رماية بعد هجوم مماثل أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية في بلغراد

RT Arabic 

أعلنت شرطة بلغراد أنها أوقفت رجلا اقترب من أحد مراكزها حاملا حقيبة ظهر تحتوي على قوس رماية، في حادثة تأتي بعد يومين على هجوم مماثل وقع أمام السفارة الإسرائيلية في العاصمة الصربية.

مصر.. القبض على "بلوغر" بتهمة نشر فيديوهات خادشة للحياء العام والتحريض على الفسق والفجور (صورة)

RT Arabic 

ألقت الأجهزة الأمنية في مصر القبض على البلوغر رقية أحمد الصافي المعروفة باسم "روكي أحمد" بالقاهرة الجديدة، لاتهامها ببث ونشر فيديوهات خادشة للحياء العام والتحريض على الفسق والفجور.

أوليانوف يعلق على دلالات إدراج البنك الدولي لروسيا ضمن الدول الأعلى دخلا في العالم

RT Arabic 

صرح المندوب الروسي الدائم لدى المنظمات الدولية في فيينا ميخائيل أوليانوف أن إدراج البنك الدولي لروسيا ضمن الدول الأعلى دخلا في العالم يُظهر عدم فعالية العقوبات الغربية ضد موسكو.

Biden Seeks To Repair Debate Damage With Fiery Speech

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) RALEIGH, United States - A fired-up Joe Biden came out swinging on Friday as he tried to make up for a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, insisting he was ...

China's Economy In Focus Ahead Of Key July Political Meeting

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) BEIJING - A key political meeting that is watched for signals on China's economic direction will be held in mid- July, state media said on Thursday, as policymakers seek to ...

Hussein, Wihdat Come Head-To-Head In Jordan Cup Final

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN – Hussein take on Wihdat Saturday evening in the final of the Jordan Cup - the last competition on the 2023/2024 football calendar.Hussein eliminated Salt 3-1 (1-1) ...

How Restoration Can Help Coral Reefs

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) KOH TAO, Thailand - Record-high sea temperatures are bleaching coral reefs worldwide and putting a new focus on attempts to restore these key marine ecosystems.Here is an ...

The Peace Plan: Confusion Or Deception?

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) After eight months of the Biden administration's frustrating moves towards Israel's war on Gaza, in recent weeks they unveiled the most confounding move of all. On May 31, ...

Why Young Europeans Are Embracing The Far-Right

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) OXFORD - Progressives have long counted on young people to champion their causes. Just five years ago, young Europeans voted for parties advocating climate action, social ...

Taming The Truckers

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) OXFORD - Truculent truckers have driven several governments to distraction in recent weeks. In Canada, they blocked bridges to the United States and laid siege to the ...

The Key To The COVID-Powered Challenges Of 2022

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) OXFORD - After a year in which people longed to get back to–normal–, it is now clear that COVID-19 will not make this possible. The pandemic, now heading into its third ...

Building A New Elite

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) OXFORD - On April 8, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he will close France's elite postgraduate school for training public leaders, the E–cole Nationale ...

Borrowing From The Populists' Playbook

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) –Do not get mad, get even.– Established political parties looking to take back control from populists should turn that maxim into a strategy. Stop complaining about the ...

How To Save The World Bank

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) The World Bank is quietly sliding into insignificance, as its core fee-paying clients increasingly seek other lenders. If it is to survive, its management will need to ...