World News in Arabic

Новости за 26.06.2024

مصانع مصرية تتوقف عن العمل

RT Arabic 

أعلنت شركة "مصر لإنتاج الأسمدة -موبكو" وقف إمداد الغاز الطبيعي عن مصانع الشركة لحين تحسن الظروف التشغيلية للشبكة، الأمر الذي أدى إلى إيقاف المصانع الثلاثة.

أولمرت يتهم نتنياهو بالخيانة

RT Arabic 

اتهم رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي الأسبق إيهود أولمرت رئيس الحكومة بنيامين نتنياهو بالخيانة بسبب إطالته أمد الحرب على قطاع غزة دون موعد محدد لنهايتها، مطالبا بطرده من الحكومة.

Iran launches new methanol complex at PSEEZ

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN) On June 24, the Arian Methanol Petrochemical complex commenced operations in Iran's Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ). The project, which involved an investment of USD243 million, ...

National housing movement in Iran exceeds 2.6M units

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN) Abolfazl Norouzi, the director general of the Housing Economy Office at the Ministry of Transport and Urban Development, announced that the number of National Housing Movement units across ...

Iran experiences 7 percent increase in water inflow to dam

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN) Iran has recorded a seven percent increase in water inflow to its dams since the beginning of the current water year, which started on September 23, 2023, according to a recent report by ...

Spain's Catalonia Sets Clock Ticking For Possible Fresh Polls

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) AFP Barcelona: The speaker of Catalonia's parliament said Wednesday he will give the Spanish region's assembly two months to form a new government or else he will ...

PSD Marks World Drug Day

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan News Agency) Amman, June 26 (Petra) - Director of Public Security Directorate (PSD), Maj. Gen. AbeidAllah Maaitah, on Wednesday sponsored the directorate's celebration ...

PSD Marks World Drug Day...1St, Final Add

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Jordan News Agency) For his part, the European Union Ambassador to Jordan, Pierre-Christophe , stressed the bloc's keenness to cooperate with all world countries to combat ...