Heavy snow, blizzards, and stormy winds – Weather in Kazakhstan for March 4
Tengrinews.kz – Kazhydromet has shared the weather forecast for Kazakhstan on Tuesday, March 4.
Weather in Astana
The capital will have partly cloudy skies, occasional snow, and blowing snow. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -15 to -17°C at night, -7 to -9°C during the day.
Weather in Almaty
Partly cloudy, snow at night. Occasional fog and icy roads. Westerly wind at 2-7 m/s. Temperatures: -6 to -8°C at night, 0 to +2°C during the day.
Weather in Shymkent
Partly cloudy, snow at night and in the morning, with fog. Southwesterly wind at 8-13 m/s, gusts of 15-20 m/s at night. Temperatures: -7 to -9°C at night, +3 to +5°C during the day.
Weather in Akmola Region
Snow and blizzards at night, snow in the west, north, and east during the day. Fog in the west and south at night and in the morning. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, gusting to 15-20 m/s in the west, north, and east. Temperatures: -10 to -15°C at night (colder in the west and south: -15 to -20°C), -7 to -12°C during the day. Weather in Kokshetau: Partly cloudy, snow at night and in the morning, drifting snow. Southwesterly wind at 8-13 m/s. Temperatures: -10 to -12°C at night, -8 to -10°C during the day.
Weather in Almaty Region
Light snow in the north and south at night, heavier snowfall in foothill and mountain areas. Mixed precipitation (rain and snow) in foothill and mountain areas during the day. Occasional fog and icy roads in the south and mountains. Westerly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 18-23 m/s at night in the southeast and center. Temperatures: -5 to -10°C at night (-15 to -20°C in the north and mountains), 0 to +5°C during the day (-6°C in the north and mountains). Weather in Konaev: Partly cloudy, light snow at night. Occasional fog and icy roads. Westerly wind at 9-14 m/s, gusting to 18 m/s at night. Temperatures: -6 to -8°C at night, 0 to +2°C during the day.
Weather in Zhetysu Region
Snow at night, heavy snowfall in mountain areas. Precipitation (rain and snow) in the east, south, and mountain areas during the day, with icy conditions. Fog in the north, center, and mountains at night and in the morning. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s, occasionally reaching 23-28 m/s in the north and east. Temperatures: -5 to -10°C at night (-15°C in the mountains), 0 to +5°C during the day (-8°C in the mountains, +3°C in the south). Weather in Taldykorgan: Cloudy, snow at night, occasional fog. Southwesterly wind at 5-10 m/s, gusting to 14 m/s at night. Temperatures: -6 to -8°C at night, 0 to -2°C during the day.
Weather in Turkestan Region
Snow and blowing snow at night and in the morning in the north, west, and mountains. Fog in the west, south, and mountains. Southwesterly wind at 8-13 m/s, increasing to 15-20 m/s in the north, west, center, and mountains, with gusts of 23-28 m/s at night in mountain passes. Temperatures: -4 to -9°C at night (-13°C in the north and west), 0 to +5°C during the day (-3°C in the north). Weather in Turkestan: Partly cloudy, snow at night, with blowing snow. Southwesterly wind at 8-13 m/s, gusting to 15-20 m/s at night. Temperatures: -11 to -13°C at night, 0 to +2°C during the day.
Weather in West Kazakhstan Region
Snow at night, snow in the north and east during the day. Blowing snow and fog in the west, north, and east. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -8 to -13°C at night (-5°C in the west), -1 to -6°C during the day. Weather in Uralsk: Cloudy, snow, blowing snow, and fog. Southwesterly wind at 7-12 m/s. Temperatures: -8 to -10°C at night, -2 to -4°C during the day.
Weather in Atyrau Region
Snow in the west, north, and east at night; mixed precipitation (rain and snow), ice, and blowing snow in the same areas during the day. Southeastern and southern wind at 7-12 m/s. Temperatures: -6 to -11°C at night (-15 to -20°C in the east), -0 to -5°C during the day (+3°C in the west). Weather in Atyrau: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Southeastern and southern wind at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures: -9 to -11°C at night, -1 to -3°C during the day.
Weather in Mangystau Region
Mixed precipitation (rain and snow) in the west, north, and center, with occasional heavy snow at night and in the morning in the west. Blowing snow, fog, and ice in the west, north, and center. Southeastern wind shifting to southwesterly at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -4 to -9°C at night (-15 to -20°C in the northeast), -1 to +4°C during the day (-4°C in the north). Weather in Aktau: Partly cloudy, rain and snow, icy roads. Southeastern wind shifting to southwesterly at 7-12 m/s. Temperatures: -4 to -6°C at night, +2 to +4°C during the day.
Weather in Aktobe Region
Snow in the west and north at night, snow throughout the region during the day. Southwesterly and southerly wind at 7-12 m/s. Temperatures: -15 to -20°C at night (-24°C in the south and center), -8 to -13°C during the day. Weather in Aktobe: Partly cloudy, occasional snow. Southwesterly and southerly wind at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures: -17 to -19°C at night, -8 to -10°C during the day.
Weather in Kostanay Region
Snow and blowing snow in the north, west, and east. Fog in the north and south. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s in the south and east during the day. Temperatures: -12 to -17°C at night (-23°C in the south), -5 to -10°C during the day (-13°C in the south). Weather in Kostanay: Partly cloudy, snow at night and in the morning. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -14 to -16°C at night, -7 to -9°C during the day.
Weather in North Kazakhstan Region
Snow and blowing snow in the southwest and south at night, snow across the region during the day. Fog in the west at night and in the morning. Southeastern wind shifting to southwesterly at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s in the south during the day. Temperatures: -10 to -15°C at night (-20°C in the southwest), -6 to -11°C during the day (-14°C in the southwest). Weather in Petropavlovsk: Partly cloudy, snow during the day, drifting snow. Southeastern wind shifting to southwesterly at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -13 to -15°C at night, -7 to -9°C during the day.
Weather in Pavlodar Region
Snow in the west and south at night, snow throughout the region during the day. Blowing snow in the west and south. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s in the west and south during the day. Temperatures: -10 to -15°C at night (-7°C in the south), -5 to -10°C during the day (-2°C in the south). Weather in Pavlodar: Partly cloudy, snow during the day, drifting snow. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -12 to -14°C at night, -5 to -7°C during the day.
Weather in Karaganda Region
Snow and blowing snow. Fog in the south and east at night and in the morning. Southerly and southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-18 m/s in the north, south, and east. Temperatures: -11 to -16°C at night (-20 to -25°C in the east), -5 to -10°C during the day (-13°C in the east). Weather in Karaganda: Cloudy, snow, blowing snow. Southerly and southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, gusting to 15-18 m/s. Temperatures: -11 to -13°C at night, -6 to -8°C during the day.
Weather in Ulytau Region
Snow and blowing snow at night, snow and blowing snow in the south and east during the day. Fog in the north at night and in the morning. Southeastern wind shifting to southwesterly at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-18 m/s in the south and east during the day. Temperatures: -12 to -17°C at night (-21°C in the west), -7 to -12°C during the day (-15°C in the north). Weather in Zhezkazgan: Partly cloudy, snow and blowing snow at night. Southeastern wind shifting to southwesterly at 8-13 m/s. Temperatures: -12 to -14°C at night, -8 to -10°C during the day.
Weather in East Kazakhstan Region
Snow during the day. Fog in the north and south at night and in the morning. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -15 to -20°C at night (-10°C in the south, -25°C in the north and east), 0 to -5°C during the day (-8°C in the east). Weather in Ust-Kamenogorsk: Partly cloudy, snow during the day. Fog at night and in the morning. Southwesterly wind at 0-5 m/s at night, increasing to 5-10 m/s during the day. Temperatures: -18 to -20°C at night, 0 to -2°C during the day.
Weather in Abai Region
Snow and blowing snow in the west, north, and south. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s in the west, north, and center. Temperatures: -12 to -17°C at night (-7°C in the south), 0 to -5°C during the day. Weather in Semey: Partly cloudy, snow during the day. Southwesterly wind at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures: -15 to -17°C at night, 0 to -2°C during the day.
Weather in Kyzylorda Region
Snow and blizzard in the east and center at night. Fog and icy roads in the north, east, and center. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s in the east and center at night. Temperatures: -15 to -20°C at night (-7 to -12°C in the east), -5 to -10°C during the day (-2°C in the east). Weather in Kyzylorda: Partly cloudy, snow and blizzard at night. Occasional fog and ice. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s at night. Temperatures: -10 to -12°C at night, -2 to -4°C during the day.
Weather in Zhambyl Region
Snow in the west, north, and mountainous areas at night. Snow, ice, and blowing snow in the mountains during the day. Fog in the north, south, and mountains. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s in the southwest, northeast, and mountains, reaching 23-28 m/s. Temperatures: -5 to -10°C at night (-15°C in the north and mountains), -2°C to +3°C during the day (-7°C in the north and mountains). Weather in Taraz: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Occasional fog. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures: -8 to -10°C at night, 0 to +2°C during the day.