15 Remedies to Help You Stop Snoring for Good
Many people snore, and in some cases, it causes no issue. However, it can disrupt your sleep or the sleep of those closest to you. A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine can be used to reduce snoring. Still, there are several other therapies that you can try to help improve solo or partnered sleeping, including other smaller devices, lifestyle changes, and treating the underlying cause. 1. Sleep Position The way you sleep can significantly impact whether or not you snore. Back sleeping, also known as the supine position, is the most notable way of sleeping that correlates with snoring. Instead, you can switch to sleeping on your side or in the lateral position, as turning your head to the side can reduce snoring throughout the night. Snoring and Self-EsteemSnoring can lead to feelings of isolation and embarrassment, affecting a person’s view of themselves and their relationship with their sleep partner. Learning ways to manage snoring can mitigate these effects. 2. Weight...