World News

Earthquakes hit Armenia and Uzbekistan

0 - Earthquakes were recorded in Armenia and Uzbekistan. A magnitude 3.6 earthquake occurred in Navoi Region, Uzbekistan, while tremors were felt near the city of Jermuk in Armenia.

On January 6 at 5:28 p.m. local time (6:28 p.m. Astana time), the seismic network of the Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs' Seismic Protection Territorial Survey registered a magnitude 3.1 earthquake, 22 kilometers northwest of Jermuk. The epicenter was located at a depth of 10 kilometers, ArmenPress reported.

On the same day, Uzbekistan's Ministry of Emergency Situations' Republican Center for Seismic and Forecasting Monitoring reported a quake at 8:25 p.m. local time (8:25 p.m. Astana time).

The epicenter was in the Tamdy District of Navoi Region, 352 kilometers from Tashkent. The earthquake had a magnitude of 3.6 and a depth of 10 meters.

The tremor intensity in the epicenter reached 4 points on the seismic scale.

No casualties or damage have been reported in either country.

Previously, an earthquake occurred in the Caspian Sea on December 30, 2024.

Read also: Why we fear earthquakes and the dangers of such fear