Swiss company bankruptcies rise to record high in 2024
In Switzerland, significantly more companies went bankrupt in 2024 than in 2023. The number of company bankruptcies climbed to a new high, the creditors' association Creditreform announced. + Get the most important Swiss news directly in your inbox However, more companies were also founded last year. Overall, company bankruptcies increased by 15% to 11,506 in 2024 as a whole. The number of pure corporate insolvencies (+18%), i.e. bankruptcy publications due to over-indebtedness, climbed particularly sharply. Meanwhile, bankruptcy publications due to deficiencies in the organisation increased by 6.6%. + Read more: what’s on the Swiss economic horizon in 2025? By canton, the increase was very high in Nidwalden, Appenzell Innerrhoden and Graubünden. This was primarily due to the generally low number of bankruptcies in these cantons. Expressed as a percentage, the increase was very rapid. In Zug, Geneva, Schwyz and Vaud, bankruptcies were at a high level. Most bankruptcies in ...