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Questions and Prompts to Unlock True Intimacy in Your Relationship - Word From The Bird

True intimacy isn’t something that appears out of nowhere in a relationship. It takes intentionality to break down walls we’ve built because of our past, our wounds, how we were raised, and our self-protective methods.Breaking down walls and unlocking true potential for intimacy in your marriageAs it’s hard enough to break down your own walls you’ve built, it’s a whole other ball game to break down your partner’s.Humans were made for intimacy, so when we aren’t experiencing it, it’s possible we draw away from one another—if we let this continue it opens doors for disaster.While everyone is their own person, men and women usually experience intimacy differently. Women are more emotionally driven, men are more physically driven.Neither is wrong, just…different. While it’s important to understand how you personally experience intimacy, it’s equally vital we know how our partner experiences it.Here are some questions that not only unlock true intimacy in your marriage, but will guide you a...