World News

Swiss stock exchange wraps up mixed year of trading

The Swiss stock market made slight gains on the last day of trading of 2024. After an annual high in August, December marked the fourth consecutive month of losses for the market’s benchmark index. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox After a slow start on Monday, December 30, the Swiss Market Index (SMI) moved into positive territory around lunchtime. In the afternoon, under the influence of the weak US market, prices temporarily fell below the 11,600-point mark before regaining this level at close of trading. After reaching a high for the year of 12,484 points at the end of August, December marked the fourth consecutive month of losses for the benchmark index. Despite a strong first half of the year, the SMI ended 2024 up just 4.2% – a meagre year by international standards. If the average dividend yield of around 3% is added to this, the Swiss exchange generated a return of just over 7% in 2024. “This is in line with the previous year and the long-term ...