World News

Tax information when emigrating from Switzerland: what you need to know

Tax liability in Switzerland does not always end at the country's border – here’s what you should bear in mind when moving abroad. If you are moving to another country, does that mean no more tax liability in Switzerland? It might work - but it's not that simple. In our Guide to Moving Abroad you will find further tips for emigrating from Switzerland and the life abroad. Where do the Swiss Abroad pay taxes? Swiss emigrants who live and work abroad or draw an old-age and survivor insurance pension (OASI – known as AHV/AVS) generally pay taxes in their place of residence, not in Switzerland. There are exceptions for diplomatic staff, digital nomads, employees of international organisations and transport companies, and employees of companies based in Switzerland who are on foreign assignments. Others who continue to receive income from Switzerland may also still have to pay taxes on income earned within the country, known as limited tax liability. Tax liability in the year you move ...