World News

Bathroom Accessories For Stroke Patients - Senior Safety Equipment

Sufferers of a stroke can experience a range of residual effects months or years after the initial incident. These effects can include cognitive impairment, visual perceptual deficits, one sided weakness or paralysis and much more.Let’s learn how a one sided physical impairment can affect grooming and discuss useful things for stroke victims.Adaptive Grooming Equipment For Stroke PatientsThe focus of this article will be on one handed bathroom accessories that stroke victims can use to maintain their own personal hygiene and grooming:Long Handled Shower SpongeOne sided weakness or paralysis after a stroke can make it difficult to reach all parts of the body during washing. When one arm or hand is impaired, it may be difficult to reach behind the back to lather and wash.For this reason, a long handled shower sponge was made to allow the functioning hand to manipulate the handle to reach areas behind your back that need scrubbing and cleansing.BUY AT AMAZONAnother common symptom after st...