World News

Adaptive Equipment for Stroke Patients: Helpful Tips & Tools

After a stroke, many individuals may struggle to perform the activities of daily living due to limited mobility and other physical or cognitive deficits. Fortunately, adaptive equipment for stroke patients can help make the activities of daily living easier to perform. By using adaptive equipment, many stroke survivors are able to independently walk, bathe, dress, eat, and communicate, making it easier to engage in their daily lives.This article will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using adaptive equipment during stroke rehabilitation and some of the best tools to choose from.Top Adaptive Equipment for Stroke PatientsThere are various assistive devices that can help survivors manage the physical and cognitive effects of a stroke that interfere with daily activities. Many devices are commercially available, or they can be homemade by health care professionals or family members. An occupational therapist is an excellent resource when considering adaptive equipment for stroke patien...