World News

What to Know About Using a Nasal Spray

Nasal sprays can treat congestion and other symptoms of seasonal allergies or a cold. They work by delivering a fine mist of medication into your nostrils. And since the lining of your nose is rich with vessels and can easily absorb medications into your bloodstream, nasal sprays can also end up delivering medications to other parts of your body. Nasal sprays are available by prescription or over-the-counter (OTC). Most products come in a hand-operated pump bottle or squeeze bottle. Knowing how to use a nasal spray is important, as doing it incorrectly could affect the dose you receive. In this article, you will learn about the different types of nasal sprays and their possible side effects. You’ll also learn the right way to use a nasal spray so you get the best effects.How Afrin Nasal Spray Works Types of Nasal Sprays There are many OTC and prescription nasal sprays to choose from. OTC nasal sprays for congestion and allergies are popular products at pharmacies, groceries, and other...