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General declaration - 2025: who and how to submit form 250

0 – The Almaty State Revenue Department announced who will have to submit an incoming declaration (form 250) in 2025.
Who must file a declaration in 2025
According to the Almaty State Revenue Department, in accordance with the legislative amendments, the obligation to submit a declaration of assets and liabilities of an individual (Form 250.00) applies to the following categories:

citizens and residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan who own property abroad;candidates for elective and public office;persons applying for the status of a major participant in a bank, securities market or insurance organizations;persons engaged in private practice;citizens wishing to voluntarily file a declaration.

What assets are subject to declaration
In this case, assets abroad subject to declaration are:

real estate, vehicles;shares in foreign companies or housing construction;cash in accounts in foreign banks, if their amount exceeds 1000 MCI;securities, derivative financial instruments;funds in brokerage accounts;intellectual property, copyright;digital assets;accounts receivable/payable;investment and precious metals;property worth over 1000 MCI (e.g. antiques, luxury items).

Declaration of major purchases and assets
It is also proposed to establish a declaration obligation for individuals who have made major purchases worth over 20 000 MCI (73 840 000 tenge in 2024) in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

"It is important to note that when voluntarily submitting a declaration, declarants can declare cash in an amount not exceeding 10 000 MCI, and their other assets and liabilities, which can subsequently serve as confirmation of an individual's expenses. Citizens who have cash in excess of 10 000 MCI (in 2024, this is 36 920 000 tenge) must place these funds in bank accounts before December 31, 2024," the Almaty State Revenue Department explained.

How to file a declaration on form 250
The declaration can be filed through the e-Salyq Azamat mobile application, the Electronic Government portal (, or the taxpayer's account (