World News

Kazakhstan may tighten requirements for adoptive parents

0 - Kazakhstan may tighten control over adoption. This was announced by Vice Minister of Education Yedil Ospan.
According to the Vice Minister, the ministry has developed a number of legislative norms that prioritize married couples in raising orphaned children and children left without parental care.

"A set of measures has also been developed to tighten requirements for candidates. These include determining the age difference between the adopter and the adopted child, the annual updating of information on the adopter's criminal record, mandatory psychological diagnostics, and training through accredited organizations. These amendments are currently under review by government agencies and will be submitted to Parliament afterwards," Ospan said during a Senate meeting.

Currently, Senators are considering the law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on State Awards, Education, and Child Protection."
Read also: Can foreigners adopt children in Kazakhstan