World News

Cheap rubbish instead of good quality

Online providers are pretending to be Swiss companies, luring customers into a trap with false promises. is receiving a growing number of complaints about dubious online shops. An increasing number of providers are masquerading as Swiss companies offering high-quality products. However, they often deliver cheap, substandard items from Asia – or nothing at all. Claudia Spörri was searching online for a warm turtleneck jumper for the winter. She came across what appeared to be an attractive offer: a cashmere jumper from a "traditional Zurich company". The price was surprisingly low, but the website seemed credible – the imprint even listed an office in Glattbrugg. The unpleasant surprise came weeks later. Claudia received an email informing her that the goods had been dispatched from China. "I thought: Holy shit!" she recalls. Weeks after that, the parcel finally arrived, but the jumper was not cashmere. According to the label, it was made of 95% polyester and 5% elastane.