World News

Switzerland to introduce air passenger database

Switzerland is to introduce a national air passenger database following parliamentary approval. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The new rules are set to go into force after parliament irons out a few clarifications. The aim is to implement the Passenger Name Record system, which has already been adopted in the EU and the US. It is an effective tool in the fight against terrorism and serious crime," say several elected representatives from all sides of the political spectrum. If Switzerland does not follow suit, it could become a rift in the middle of Europe. Information concerning sensitive personal data will not be communicated. As far as data retention is concerned, data that do not show any indication of a terrorist offense or other serious criminal offence will not be stored for more than six months. They will also be pseudonymised after one month. Translated from French by DeepL/mga How we work This news story has been written and carefully ...