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Voluntary Fasting Days In Islam: Definition, Types, Reward, And MORE! – Shaykhi Academy

Fasting in Islam is one of the greatest worships that can take the Muslim to the highest degrees in Jannah provided they maintain sincerity and observation for manners since the main objective of fasting is to achieve Taqwa (fear of Allah).In this article, we explore the various types of voluntary fasting days in Islam in detail, discuss the rewards associated with different types of fasting, and examine other forms of disliked and Haram fasting. This will help Muslims adhere to the Prophetic tradition in their worship. Let’s get started!This artilce covers the next points:The Meaning Of Voluntary Fasting Days In Islam?Types Of Voluntary Fasting DaysWhat Are The Voluntary Fasting Days?Voluntary Fasting In Islam RewardDefinition Of Haram Fasting DaysWhich 5 Days Are Haram For Fasting?Can I Fast On Saturday Only In Islam?Start Your Islamic Learning Journey With Shaykhi AcademyConclusion: What Days Should You Fast In Islam?The Meaning Of Voluntary Fasting Days In Islam?Voluntary fasting d...