World News

Vehicle Protection Sachet Spell

Have you ever seen the show Dead Like Me? If you haven't, you MUST! It's about a young girl who dies and becomes a grim reaper. Like many great shows, it was only on for two seasons. During that short (but amazing) run, George (short for Georgia) makes a statement I find myself thinking about more than I probably should:If people knew how close they came to death every day, they would never leave the house.This statement is true. If you don't believe me, watch the drivers around you next time you're in the passenger seat. If you can go fifteen minutes without watching someone text WHILE the car is careening forward, I'll send you a doughnut.People make badjudgments. I learned that at 18 when a man in the opposing lane of a rural highway thought he had enough time to get across the road and quickly realized he didn't. His response? To stop dead in the front of me just enough time to realize I was about to be in an accident and to hope I didn't piddle in my pantie...