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Swiss justice minister discusses plight of Syrian migrants in Brussels

Swiss Justice Minister Beat Jans met his European counterparts in Brussels on Thursday to discuss the situation of Syrian asylum-seekers in Europe. Jans called for coordinated action by European states. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox Jans told reporters in Brussels that it was time to help Syrians rebuild their country. “We must not disappoint the great hope that is there now. European countries must try to establish democracy there,” he declared. It is also about preventing other people from leaving Syria and possibly seeking protection in Europe, Jans acknowledged. The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) announced at the beginning of the week that asylum procedures underway in Switzerland for people from Syria had been suspended. This concerns around 500 cases in Switzerland. In Europe, 15 countries have taken a similar decision, Jans noted. + About 500 Syrians affected by Swiss asylum freeze Around 4,000 Syrians are in Switzerland hold temporary ...