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Mixed results for Swiss Black Friday

Black Friday revenues in Switzerland failed to live up to the retail industry's expectations. But sales throughout the week proved more successful. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox High street special offers on Black Friday on November 29 generated 5% fewer credit card and mobile payment transactions compared to the 2023 edition. However, an analysis of the figures suggests an explanation: purchases were more spread out. In the days leading up to the event, spending reached unprecedented levels, according to data compiled by AWP from Monitoring Consumption Switzerland and Twint. Many stores extended the promotional period to the week preceding Black Friday, this year from November 25 to December 1, and the operation was a success. Revenues were up 10% on Black Week 2023. Compared to a normal week in 2024, transactions were up by 92% for e-commerce and 44% for stores. Although Black Friday is well known to Swiss customers and popular with Swiss retailers ...