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Authorities underestimated severe weather risks in southern Switzerland

Violent storms hit the Misox valley in southern Switzerland in June, causing severe damage and two fatalities. New analysis, presented on Monday, shows that authorities underestimated some of the dangers. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox Two people died in the storms that hit the Misox valley on June 21, while one person is still missing. Extremely heavy thunderstorms led to numerous mudslides and other debris flows that devastated the valley. A damaged motorway and other material damages will cost at least CHF38 million ($43 million). +Swiss politicians express dismay at storm damage An investigation into the events, commissioned by the Graubünden Office for Forests and Natural Hazards, has revealed that for one-third of the debris flows, the authorities' hazard maps did not match the event, experts explained on Tuesday in Lostallo, canton Graubünden, which was badly affected by the disaster. +Swiss storm damage estimated at up to CHF200 million For a ...