World News

Swiss are champions of rail travel in Europe

Switzerland remains by a large margin the European champion of train travel, both in terms of the number of journeys per person and the number of kilometres travelled. + Get the most important news directly in your inbox In 2023, the Swiss travelled an average of 2,466km by train per resident (passenger-kilometres) and used this means of transport 68 times, according to the public transport information service Litra. Over the year, the number of passengers per kilometre increased by 13.2% and the number of journeys by 11.5%. This means that the Swiss use the railways over 50% more than people in Austria, which came in second place in the analysis, both in terms of kilometres travelled per inhabitant and frequency. + Does the Swiss rail network have room for international competition? Other countries that finished at the top of the list are France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark and Luxembourg. At the other end of the scale, the train is almost non-existent in Greece and ...