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Assisted suicide: Sarco inventor defends himself against killing rumours

Sarco inventor Philip Nitschke has defended himself against rumours that one of his colleagues assisted in the suicide of a woman in Schaffhausen, northern Switzerland. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox “When rumours emerged that the Schaffhausen public prosecutor’s office was investigating suspected intentional homicide, I was horrified,” Nitschke told the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) newspaper on Wednesday. He said he was perplexed and deeply disturbed by what was happening. According to Nitschke, there is still no autopsy report available, more than 50 days after the suicide capsule was first used in a forest near Merishausen. Since then, the co-president of the euthanasia organisation The Last Resort, Florian Willet, has been in custody in Schaffhausen and the Sarco capsule has been confiscated. However, Nitschke does not want to give up. Sarco number two is currently being produced, he said. However, the capsule will not be brought to Switzerland, he added.