World News

Pilots capture multiple UFOs dancing in night sky

0 - Commercial pilots have captured an unusual phenomenon in the night sky while flying a Boeing 747 passenger jet over Egypt, according to the Daily Mail.
Video taken from inside the cabin showed several glowing orbs that Captain Van Pangemanan said were "dancing" around the plane.
Captain Pangemanan shared the video on his YouTube channel, noting that the flashes of light seemed "as if they wanted to give a message."

"We thought the light was a plane, but it wasn't on our radar. Then we thought maybe it was a star, but the stars twinkled quickly and the stars didn't move," the pilot explained.

The incident occurred at around 5 a.m. local time, about 30 minutes after takeoff from Jeddah in Saudi Arabia to Abuja in Nigeria. The footage shows the glowing objects bobbing in the air before disappearing into the clouds.

Discussions and origins
Some have suggested that the lights could be the Perseid meteor, an annual meteor shower that peaks in August. However, Captain Pangemanan disagrees with this explanation.

"The light of the UFO in front of us moves freely. The UFO light shone for a long time and moved," he said.

The pilot also considered the possibility that they could be Starlink satellites launched by SpaceX, but he does not find this explanation convincing either.
In his YouTube post, the captain asked viewers to help identify the phenomenon.

"Please figure it out yourself, maybe you can identify this Flying Object," he said.

Peers' and users' opinions
After the video was posted, other pilots shared their similar stories in the comments. One of them, Paul Bishop, said that he saw similar lights over the Sea of ​​Japan on his way to Korea. He added that other pilots have seen similar phenomena over the Pacific Ocean and Canada.
Interest in the mystery
Captain Pangemanan, who has 32 years of piloting experience and over 130,000 followers on Instagram, is actively sharing this story, sparking interest from people around the world. For now, the origin of the mysterious lights remains unknown, and the discussions around them continue. Perhaps with more such sightings, scientists and experts will be able to solve this mystery.
Earlier, in the Zhetysu region, eyewitnesses captured a burning object in the sky, flying at an impressive speed. Astrophysicists commented on the video.