Nature should not figure in net zero calculations: academic study
The natural removal of CO2 from the atmosphere by forests or oceans should be removed from net-zero calculations of climate protection measures, according to a research paper. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The researchers, led by the University of Oxford and with the participation of the University of Bern, published a corresponding study in the journal Nature on Monday. They call on countries and companies to adapt their approach, as otherwise global warming will not be halted. + COP29: Switzerland and the world under pressure to deliver carbon cuts Natural CO2 sinks such as forests, soils and oceans play an important role in mitigating climate change. Since industrialisation, they have removed around half of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans from the atmosphere, according to the press release. These natural sink services are often included in climate protection measures by countries and companies in order to compensate for their own emissions.