World News

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 73, no. 38 (1987 September 23)

Fall Farm Land Edition FARMERS & CONSUMERS Tommy /rv/n, Commissioner Georgia Department of Agriculture Market Bulletin Vol. 73, No. 38 Wednesday, September 23,1987 Avoid Making Impulsive Decisions When Purchasing Farm Property Boll Weevil Spray Program Ag Department Investigates Reports Of Alleged Aerial Application Problems If you are looking for that perfecif piece of farm property, be careful not to let your enthusiasm get the best of you. Rushing into a land transaction Since the Boll Weevil Eradication license of applicators found to have could be a costly mistake. By the time you find out the land was not what you Program began earlier this month, applied chemicals improperly. expected, it may be too late to recover your money. the Georgia Department of Agricul- In response to the complaints, According to Ron Atkinson, Ex- *When buying land for farm pur- ture has received complaints from Department officials met earlier tension farm management specialist at the University of Geor...