Girls in female-dominated classes earn more later on
Women earn more if, as children, they went to school in female-dominated classes, according to a study by the universities of Basel and Durham with data from 750,000 schoolchildren. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The social environment has a major influence on a person's career and salary from an early age. Girls in more female classes have better grades and are more likely to pursue career paths that are considered "typically male", the University of Basel said on Thursday. At the age of 30, women from school classes with a 55% share of girls earn $350 (CHF305) more per year than women from classes with a 45% share of girls. This means a reduction in the gender pay gap of 2.7%. The women not only earn more because they work in industries where wages are generally higher, they also earn more within the industry than women from a different school environment, the report continued. + Switzerland leads the way in the fight against ‘unexplained’ wage gaps ...