World News

Swiss Federal Railways launches campaign for safety on public transport

The Swiss Federal Railways is launching a campaign for greater respect and safety on public transport. Starting next week, posters and screens in stations and on trains will feature a message that aims to prevent assaults. The campaign "Respectfully on the move together" advocates respectful treatment of travellers and employees. Railways staff suffer on average ten verbal or physical attacks every day, some of which have become more serious in recent years, the transport company said on Monday. These include insults, threats, verbal abuse or assaults. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The feeling of safety is at a high level and remains strong, said the Federal Railways, as passengers on trains and in stations still feel safer than in other public spaces. But awareness needs to be raised, the company added. Since last summer, part of the security training for Railways staff is taking place at a new security training centre. As part of practical training ...