Telegram announced ten new features for Mini Apps - Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced ten new features "enabling developers to create dozens of new kinds of apps and games on Telegram," citing Telegram.
The updates include the ability to track a user's location if they permit media sharing and much more.
The developers stated that fullscreen mode, home screen shortcuts, subscription plans, access to geolocation (with permissions), device orientation data, media sharing, sending gifts, expanding messaging limits, and ad monetization will soon be available.
The last two elements are already available, while the other features will be launched within 2–4 weeks, Telegram noted.
Mini Apps are a relatively new way to integrate web applications directly into the Telegram interface. By using JavaScript, it becomes possible to create various interfaces that can replace a full-fledged website.
Ealier, Pavel Durov stated that the messenger has taken the first step toward becoming a video platform.