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Btd6 X Factor

1. X Factor - Bloons Wiki - FandomX Factor is an Advanced Map in Bloons TD 6, released in Version 22.0 on December 3rd 2020 along with the Beginner Map Skates, and the Dartling Gunner.X Factor is an Advanced Map in Bloons TD 6, released in Version 22.0 on December 3rd 2020 along with the Beginner Map Skates, and the Dartling Gunner. Dirt terrain with loops. Bloons move diagonally along loops, alternating diagonal starting and ending each round in a very specific pattern. All bloons including MOAB-class are protected by the central tunnel system, although it doesn't block the line of sights otherwise. On every round, all bloons enter from two adjacent corners, come from either See details › 2. X Factor/Strategies - Bloons Wiki - FandomThis article has strategies for beating X Factor. Due to the small footprint and price of the Dart Monkey, it is easy to cover all possible paths quickly ...This article has strategies for beating X Factor. Due to the small footprint and price of the Dart...