World News

Shipment of infected chrysanthemums intercepted from the Netherlands

0 – A shipment of nearly 160,000 chrysanthemums infected with white rust was stopped from entering Kazakhstan and will be returned to the Netherlands.
According to Kazakhstan’s State Quarantine Inspectorate, during an inspection in Almaty, quarantine phytosanitary officials identified the presence of a harmful quarantine pest, "white rust of chrysanthemum" (Puccinia horiana), in chrysanthemum cuttings imported from the Netherlands.

Samples collected by the inspector were analyzed at the Almaty Zonal Quarantine Laboratory, which confirmed the presence of this dangerous pest.
As a result, an administrative report was filed against the owner of the shipment, and a fine was imposed. To prevent the spread of the pest, the infected cuttings will be sent back to their place of origin.