World News

Northern Lights spotted over Switzerland

The Northern Lights, aka aurora borealis, were visible in parts of Switzerland on Thursday evening. But variable cloud cover meant that the spectacular natural lightshow could not be seen everywhere. + Get the most important Swiss news directly in your inbox The Northern Lights were recorded by various webcams in Switzerland last night, including the one at Weisshorn Arosa in canton Graubünden. + Northern Lights dazzle over Swiss Alps They appear during geomagnetic storms when disruptions in the Earth’s magnetic field occur, giving rise to hours of brilliant auroras generally at higher latitudes. They are rare in Alpine regions, reports Meteonews. Typically, this dazzling spectacle is most prominently observed at a higher latitude, closer to the magnetic north and south poles, where these phenomena are known as the aurora australis. As geomagnetic activity increases, the region of the aurora expands to lower latitudes, in the direction of the equator. When geomagnetic activity is ...