How many ethnic Kazakhs have returned to their historical homeland since 1991 - According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, a total of 1,140,700 ethnic Kazakhs have returned to Kazakhstan since 1991. In 2024 alone, 12,325 ethnic Kazakhs returned and received the status of "kandas" (returned Kazakhs).
Among those who returned this year, 45.6% came from China, 39.2% from Uzbekistan, 5.5% from Turkmenistan, 5.4% from Mongolia, 3.1% from Russia, and 1.2% from other countries.
As of September 1, 2024, 58.2% of the ethnic returnees are of working age, 32.4% are minors, and 9.4% are pensioners.
In terms of education, 17.8% of returnees of working age have higher education, 24.2% have vocational education, 54.4% have general secondary education, and 3.6% have no education.
Ethnic Kazakhs have settled in various regions of the country. The quota for the reception of returnees in resettlement regions for 2024 is set at 3,033 people. By September 1, 2024, 2,127 returnees had been resettled.
Returnees receive government support measures, including a one-time relocation subsidy of 70 MRP (258,400 tenge) per head and each family member, and monthly assistance for housing and utility payments ranging from 15 to 30 MRP (from 55,300 to 110,700 tenge) for one year.