Pavel Durov started cooperating with French government - media - The founder of the Telegram messenger, Pavel Durov, has established contact with French security forces and has begun providing them with information that can help identify Telegram users, according to the French newspaper Libération.
As Libération reports, Durov had previously ignored requests from law enforcement, but now Telegram is engaged in "unprecedented cooperation" with them and is responding to requests.
"The door is indeed opening," confirmed the head of the cybercrime department of the Paris prosecutor’s office Joanna Brouss, to the newspaper. According to Libération, law enforcement across France has been advised to resume investigations that were previously suspended due to the inability to obtain information from Telegram.
The investigation involves a series of inquiries by the police and gendarmerie, particularly regarding crimes against children. However, authorities urge caution.
The investigation against Telegram was initiated following the detention of Pavel Durov, the founder and head of Telegram, last month in France.
On August 28, Durov was released from custody in Paris on bail of 5 million euros. He has been prohibited from leaving France and is required to report to the police twice a week.