World News

Swiss hunters shot almost 100,000 wild animals last season

Switzerland's 30,000 hunters shot almost 100,000 wild animals last season. According to the new hunting statistics, both the kill rate and wild animal populations have remained fairly stable. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox According to figures released by Wildlife Switzerland on Wednesday, around 76,000 wild ungulates and almost 22,000 carnivores were shot in 2023. The latter include red foxes, badgers, pine martens and stone martens. While roe deer and chamois populations have remained stable across Switzerland, red deer and ibex populations are trending upwards, the press release continued. However, because wild animals are difficult to count and their populations depend on numerous factors, "no reliable conclusions can be drawn about the status of wild animal species" on the basis of hunting statistics alone. Wildlife Switzerland keeps the federal hunting statistics on huntable, protected and foreign mammals and birds on behalf of the Federal Office ...