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Survey: hiring to slow in Switzerland in Q4

Owing to the difficult economic situation, Swiss companies are expecting a gloomier employment situation, a new survey shows. Hiring is expected to slow in the fourth quarter of 2024, particularly in the finance and real estate sectors. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox This is the conclusion of a study published on September 11 by the recruitment agency Manpower. It found that companies expect a net employment outlook of 32%. This represents a decrease of 2 percentage points compared to the previous quarter and 6 percentage points compared to the same quarter last year. + Swiss job market: cooling down, but labour shortages remain Positive employment prospects are expected mainly in the information technology sector. The continuing momentum of the ongoing digital transformation and the increasing introduction of technology solutions in all sectors are helping here, the report said. + Swiss employees more dissatisfied but few want to change jobs According ...