World News

Anthrax suspected in four Kazakhs: quarantine not declared

0 - The administration of Almaty Region has addressed rumors about a quarantine being imposed in a village where suspected cases of anthrax were reported.
Earlier, it was reported that the village of Ulken Aksu in Almaty Region had been placed under quarantine due to an anthrax outbreak.
The press service of the Almaty Region administration clarified that no quarantine has been declared in the village. However, temporary veterinary and sanitary restrictions have been imposed in the Uyghur District.

"In order to prevent the spread of the infection, restrictions have been placed on the transport of livestock and animal products. There are no restrictions on the movement of people, as anthrax is not transmitted from person to person," the administration stated.

According to official data, four suspected cases of anthrax were identified in the Ulken Aksu village in Uyghur District on September 1. The preliminary cause of the infection is believed to be contact with a contaminated animal during slaughter, which was carried out without veterinary supervision.