World News

Strong Swiss franc forces Hero jam production to Spain

Another prominent symbol of Swiss food production is moving abroad. Having laid off a large proportion of its Swiss-based workforce last year, confectionary company Hero has announced a new production facility in Spain. Hero follows a trail already blazed by the likes of Toblerone, which now manufactures in Slovakia, and candy maker Sugus, which has moved some operations to China. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox Only Hero’s head office will remain in Switzerland once the popular jam-maker closes its Lenzburg factory at the end of the year. "When it comes to supplying hotels, restaurants or hospitals, price is the most important factor. In addition, around half of the volume of what is produced in Switzerland is intended for European markets, such as Spain or Italy,” Hero Switzerland director, Frederic Haas, told Swiss public broadcaster RTS. + Toblerone no longer exclusively made in Switzerland “With an increasingly strong Swiss franc, these products ...