World News

Swiss president in favour of hosting 2038 Winter Olympics

President Viola Amherd does not rule out a Winter Olympics in Switzerland in 2038. However, they would have to be sustainable and take place on a smaller scale, she said on Friday at the Maison Suisse in Paris. She expressed her best wishes to the Swiss athletes at the Paris Olympic Games. With 128 participants, the Swiss delegation is the largest since the 1984 Summer Games in Los Angeles. As Minister of Sport and Defense, she recalled the close cooperation between the armed forces and sport. At the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo, members of the armed forces won more than half of the record 13 medals for Switzerland. Amherd is in Paris until Sunday. She will take part in the opening ceremony. She intends to attend the tennis, swimming and fencing competitions. Adapted from Germany by DeepL/ac How we work This news story has been written and carefully fact-checked by an external editorial team. At SWI we select the most relevant news for an international audience and use ...