World News

The simple things in life brings happiness to many people


I was recently told that we should think of things that make us happy and immediately we are more relaxed, less stressed and even have a smile on our face.

One wonders if happiness is an obsession these days, always chasing it for ourselves and for others and finding that the constant chasing of happiness may lead to us being less happy. Apparently our 30’s and 40’s are when levels of happiness are at their lowest. It is said that as we get older we become happier; we appreciate the small things in life and generally are drawn to more positive thinking.

Perhaps when we are older we put more effort into friendships and people in our lives and we seem to learn how to handle life’s ups and downs. We also tend to not waste time on unimportant things, have a small circle of family and friends and try to pay more attention to good news. Things which seemed important when we were younger are no longer that important which certainly gives you a feeling of freedom and happiness. Being focused on others instead of solely on ourselves makes us happier.

It can take time, years in fact to get to know yourself, to do what pleases you, it is also said that happiness comes from what you do and not from what you have. According to research people in their 70’s are happier than those in their 60’s and those in their 80’s are happier than those in their 70’s!

Nobody is happy all the time but asking people what made them happy I received a wonderful mix of replies, many seemed to include nature – like walking in a forest, being in your garden, lying in long grass looking at the sky, sitting stroking your dog and wondering what he is thinking. Nice food makes people happy as does a good book. Music, dancing, singing is important for many people’s happiness, as is walking in the rain, smelling the smells of nature, watching insects, butterflies, birds, listening to bird song. Receiving cuddles is a very happy thing for many as well as sharing laughter with friends and family and just walking in the wet grass with bare feet. A nice cup of tea can bring an appreciative, happy smile to your face. Sport can bring happiness to, a game of tennis, a ride on your bike, a walk in the countryside.

It seems that appreciating the simple things in life brings happiness to many people, there is a quote which says “whoever is happy will make others happy”, so happiness can be infectious. The secret of a happy life seems to be continuous small treats for yourself and others, and may we all live happily ever after.