World News

Storm damaged A13 road reopened in Switzerland

Since Friday morning at 5am, the A13 San Bernardino route, an important north-south transit route with one lane in each direction, has been open again at Lostallo. According to the Federal Roads Office (Astra), passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles can pass the section of the A13 highway that was repaired after a section collapsed at a speed of 80 km/h. Astra attributes the rapid reconstruction to the uninterrupted construction work thanks to the stable weather and the almost undamaged nearby Buffalora Bridge. According to Astra, the work for the necessary complete renovation of the section will last until the autumn. The Simplon Pass will also be open again from 18.00 on Friday evening. This had been closed since Saturday due to debris flows. As rain is expected again at the weekend, Astra is monitoring the situation closely. The authorities expect the reopened roads to relieve congestion on the Gotthard highway and the route along the Great St Bernard. Translated from German by ...