World News

Новости за 03.01.2025

Son dakika: Sigara ve alkole ÖTV zammı


Son dakika... Yeni yılla birlikte alkole ve sigaraya yüzde 7,56 ÖTV zammı geldi. Alkoldeki artışın 15 yılda yüzde 2553'e ulaştığını belirten Vergi Uzmanı Ozan Bingöl ise kaçak ve sahte içkideki artışa dikkat çekti.

Swiss company bankruptcies rise to record high in 2024


In Switzerland, significantly more companies went bankrupt in 2024 than in 2023. The number of company bankruptcies climbed to a new high, the creditors' association Creditreform announced. + Get the most important Swiss news directly in your inbox However, more companies were also founded last year. Overall, company bankruptcies increased by 15% to 11,506 in 2024 as a whole. The number of pure corporate insolvencies (+18%), i.e. bankruptcy publications due to over-indebtedness, climbed particularly sharply. Читать дальше...

Lämnar Häcken för fransk storklubb

Boras Tidning 

Häcken tappar U23-landslagsspelaren Elma Junttilla Nelhage. Den 21-åriga backen lämnar svensk fotboll för spel i franska storklubben Lyon. Kontraktet sträcker sig till den 30 juni 2027.