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4 Qualities Of The Best Negotiators At Work 

As a rule, never accept the first offer handed to you in a job interview and negotiate it. Here are 4 qualities to keep in mind for a successful salary negotiation.

Supreme Court rejects challenge to government's contacts with social media companies 

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that a group of social media users in two states did not have a legal right to seek an injunction against the Biden administration over its contacts with social media platforms. The group had claimed their First Amendment rights were being infringed upon when the White House tried to pressure social media companies to remove content deemed as misinformation. CBS News chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford has more on the decision and CBS News campaign reporter Katrina... Читать дальше...

London police drop charges for driver who had seizure and plowed into a school, killing 2 children

«SFGate» ( 

British police say the driver of a 4x4 who suffered a seizure and plowed into a school in London, killing 2 children, will face no criminal charges. London’s Metropolitan Police say in statement Wednesday that they had been advised by the Crown Prosecution Service that no charges would be filed in the incident at The Study Prep School in Wimbledon. Authorities concluded that the seizure could not have been predicted. “This was a deeply tragic incident, the circumstances of which caused widespread... Читать дальше...