Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads and Make Your Face Shine with...
Share this post:Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on PinterestShare on LinkedInShare on EmailA blemish-free, clear and glowing face is something many people try to achieve. Yet, so many obstacles stand in the way. Our skin gets exposed to all sorts of influence. Its appearance also says a bit about what’s going on underneath and what the body’s general condition is. This article will show you home remedies to remove whiteheads and blackheads from your face.Whiteheads are small, hard, white or yellowish bumps – can be attributed to many factors; some to do with the products we use, others connected to genetics and skin characteristics. Medically known as closed comedones, they form when dead skin and sebum (oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands) block the hair follicles.When this oil plug makes it to the skin’s surface and is exposed to air, it oxidizes, creating black dots which are called blackheads. They are more common in people with oily skin and those undergoing hor...