Turok (Character) - Comic Vine
OriginWestern Publishing UniverseTurok and his friend Andar were Plains Indians, specifically from the Mandan tribe. It isn't known how two Mandans (whose tribe originated in the East and then settled in the Dakotas) ended up in New Mexico's Carlsbad Caverns area. It is here however, that they discover a lost sunken valley with prehistoric creatures still in abundance. Turok and Andar find themselves pitted against the terrifying creatures from Earth's distant past armed only with their courage, wits, and a newly discovered secret for applying poison to their arrowheads. From this point on Turok and Andar have a life of adventure and peril.They spent a great deal of time both battling dinosaurs or "Honkers" as they call them and Cavemen all the time trying to return to their home by escaping the Lost Valley. Turok does indeed find a way to escape at one point but must return to rescue his friend. After returning however, there is a seismic event that seals the path and traps Turok and...