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German YouTuber and Islam Critic “Shlomo” Appeals to Vance and Musk from Prison: “My 1-Year-Old Son Hasn’t Learned to Say Daddy!”

Aron Pielka and his 1-year-old son


28-year-old German YouTuber Aaron Pielka aka “Shlomo Finkelstein” has been in prison for memes since August 2024 (The Gateway Pundit reported). Now he has sent a heartfelt message describing his arrest and incarceration to Elon Musk and JD Vance via YouTuber and TGP contributor Naomi Seibt:


Dear Mr. Vice President JD Vance, dear Mr. President Donald Trump, dear Mr. Elon Musk, and dear other friends in America, Germany and around the world.

This is a message from a German prison.

My name is Aaron. I am a right-wing YouTuber who is loosely tied to the AfD.

I conducted interviews with people like AfD politician Björn Höcke, the former Vice Chancellor of Austria, HC Strache, or the chief spokesman for Trump’s 2016 campaign, Jason Miller.

I started making political YouTube videos when I was 19, now I’m 28 and I’m a father.

On the 13th of August 2024, I was taken away from my girlfriend and son, who just turned one at that time.

My girlfriend worked during the week while I took care of our son, and I did a political show on the weekends while she took care of him. We lived together.

The arrest warrant came during her pregnancy.

If I would have surrendered myself at that time, I would have missed my son’s birth.

On that day in August last year, I was going for my usual walk with my son, when about 15 undercover policemen and cops wearing ski masks ripped the stroller with my child in it away from me and overpowered me, screaming “Don’t do anything stupid. Think of your child.”

The reason were seven counts of hate speech, or as the German law calls it, “Volksverhetzung”. One of them led to a six-month prison sentence on its own. It was the biggest one of all of them.

My worst crime in the eyes of the German justice system (If you’re American, you will have a hard time believing this, so here are the court documents to prove it):

My crime was playing a few seconds of the politically incorrect parody song “What Does the Black Say?” by American comedian Rucka Rucka Ali.


That alone led to a prison sentence of six months.

They also took a clip in which I made fun of leftists who smear right-wingers as Nazis out of context and charged me with using of “extremist symbols”. To visualize what I was talking about, I had shown a historical picture of Goebbels wearing a swastika on his arm.

Most of the other counts concerned multiple showings of me burning a Koran, which was a statement in defense of freedom of speech I felt compelled to make after the murders of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in 2015.

Lastly, they charged me with anti-Semitic hate speech because I represented myself with a stereotypically Jewish-looking caricature as an avatar.

Let me explain that last one briefly.

My online pseudonym was “Shlomo Finkelstein”.

That nickname was originally given to me by actual neo-Nazis who were angry about my support for Israel.

Because I don’t mind being called a Jew, I took that nickname and branded it as something positive to make fun of them.

It was sort of like an early version of the “Yes” meme.

I’ve been in prison for close to seven months now.

During that time, two important things have happened.

First, I found out what insane measures they took in order to catch me: funnily enough, because they want me to pay for them now.

They hunted me down like a terrorist.

The Bundeskriminalamt, which is the German version of the FBI and normally goes after murderers, human traffickers or big-time drug dealers, surveilled five of my family members and close friends for months, listened to their calls and read their messages.

That led them nowhere.

Eventually, they got my banking information from the Federal Banking Registry, something they normally do if you, like, kill someone.

They had undercover police officers follow me, videotape and photograph me for a few days before they made their bizarre arrest in front of my son.

By then, they had had many opportunities to catch me on my own.

For example, every evening I went out on the street to have a smoke after I put my son to bed.

But they decided they wanted to arrest me in front of his eyes.

They are now demanding over 10,000 Euros from me to pay for my own manhunt.

Now to the second big thing.

On the 15th of January 2025, the German intelligence agency, the Verfassungsschutz, visited me in prison to talk to me.

About one month earlier, it surprisingly looked like I could get out on probation this February.

The administration of the prison I’m in had weighed in in favor of me being released early.

I declined to talk to the German intelligence agency, which is notoriously known for blackmailing people into spying in the political opposition to the left-wing German government and Deep State.

I’m friends with the Austrian activist Martin Sellner, I talk to a multitude of AfD politicians both in public and in private, and the Verfassungsschutz, the German intelligence agency, probably knows that.

They came here to turn me into a government spy against the leading opposition party, which now, after the elections, represents more than one fifth, more than 20 percent, of German citizens.

After I refused to talk to them, two weeks went by and I received a letter from the Berlin police.

I’ve never lived in Berlin.

In this letter, I was asked to comment on a new case against me. Hate speech, of course.

They quoted a single tweet, in which I had used the name “Ahmed”, a stereotypically Arab name, to talk about mass migration.

This isn’t even illegal speech in Germany, which is saying an lot.

A lawyer told me it should be thrown out before it ever gets to court.

But here’s the thing: That doesn’t matter.

If there is an open court case against you, your chances to get out on probation early drop down to zero.

And now the punchline.

The date that letter was written was the 21st of January, 2025, six days after I rejected the offer to talk to the German intelligence agency.

The tweet it was about was from 2023.

The offences I’m in prison for right now took place between 2016 and early 2019.

For six years, there had been no court case against me.

And now, the Verfassungsschutz, the German intelligence agency, visits me in prison, I refuse to talk to them, and six days later, the German justice system has cooked up a new hate speech case, which ensures that I will remain locked away from my son and my girlfriend for at least another six months.

My son has learned how to walk while I was gone.

He’s learning to talk right now.

One word he hasn’t learned yet is “Papa”, which means “Daddy”.

A few weeks ago, I had my court hearing.

Not only didn’t I get out on parole, the young judge told me that she wouldn’t let me out on parole, ever.

She told me that it didn’t matter that I did everything the prison asked of me, including spending eight hours a day building stone walls in order to get on the path for a new non-political career, and agreeing to attend a de-radicalization program, which is yet to start.

She told me that she doesn’t believe I really want to be de-radicalized, because I’m still a right-winger.

So not only do I have to subject myself voluntarily to political reprogramming in order to have a chance to be with my son on his second birthday, I also need to believably want to be brainwashed, which they don’t buy because, well, I’m not reprogrammed yet.

I suppose Orwellian nightmares like this are pretty much on the menu as soon as the state implements thought and speech crimes.

During all of this, you couldn’t see a hint of empathy in her eyes.

These are the people the German justice system is ruled by.

This is what’s happening in Germany.

Dear Mr. Vice President J.D. Vance:

At almost exactly the same time I saw your speech at the Munich Security Conference, and it gave me a sliver of hope. Hope that the authoritarian course that my country has taken isn’t set in stone.

So I think that I speak for a silent majority of Germans when I say, thank you.

Let’s make Europe great again.


More on the Shlomo Finkelstein case:

Stasi Germany: Imprisoned YouTuber Has to Pay $11,000 Arrest and Surveillance Costs for Criticizing Islam

German Gestapo Sends YouTuber “Shlomo Finkelstein” to PRISON for Criticizing Islam!

Gestapo Tactics: German YouTuber Faces 5 Years in Jail for Burning Koran, Is Doxxed By Radical Far Left Group

The post German YouTuber and Islam Critic “Shlomo” Appeals to Vance and Musk from Prison: “My 1-Year-Old Son Hasn’t Learned to Say Daddy!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.