This article is about the race. For the TV Series, see Gargoyles (TV series). For the SLG comics series, see Gargoyles (SLG comics). For the Marvel Comics series, see Gargoyles (Marvel Comics). Gargoyles are nocturnal winged-humanoids that turn to stone during the day. They live in close-knit groups called clans that protect their rookeries and the surrounding area. They are one of the Three Races, the others being Humans and the Children of Oberon.Contents1 Physiology1.1 Wings1.2 Stone Hibernation1.3 Eyes as an indication of rage1.4 Reproduction and Anatomy1.5 Genetic Inheritance1.6 Longetivity2 Culture2.1 Protectors2.2 Names2.3 Family2.4 Wind Ceremony3 History4 Notable Gargoyles5 See Also6 Gallery7 References8 External linkPhysiology[]Gargoyles are bipedal gargates, and are generally more physically powerful than humans. And though greatly varying in physical prowess, even gargoyles with frail or lanky build as Brooklyn, or as diminutive as Lexington, have both shown being able to li...