28 Makeup Tools Names and Their Uses
To complete makeup, many tools and accessories are needed. There are many types of makeup tools for beginners and veterans to opt for. So this articlelists basic makeup tools names, accessories and their usages to help you have a better understanding if you want to get some information about them.Makeup Brushes Types and Their UsesBrush CleanersPowder Puffs Types and UsesPalette Set with Spatula and Their UsagesEyelash Curlers Types and UsesCotton Pads and UsagesSwab Rods and UsagesTweezers and UsesEyebrow Razors and ScissorsPacking Accessories and UsesSharpeners and UsesMirrorsClick the tool names in this chart to check for more detailed tool use.Tool NameFunction & FeatureTool NameFunction & FeaturePowder BrushesDistributepowdery productsBrush CleanersWash brushes cleanly and convenientlyFoundation BrushesApply base foundationsPaletteSet with SpatulaBlend base products, find proper colorsConcealerBrushesTab concealer productsRegular Eyelash CurlersCommon and usefulStippling BrushesAp...