The 6 Makeup Brushes I Depend on for Tricky Makeup Looks
not a professional. just crazy. May 22, 2018 By Rio Viera-Newton, a beauty columnist at the Strategist since 2017. She's also an esthetician and the author of 'Let's Face It: Secrets of a Skincare Obsessive.' Photo: Olivia Kooyman Across countless blogs, beauty forums, and group chats, I’ve heard people make the case for fingers over brushes. Fingers don’t cost anything, they argue, plus they come with you all the time, and blend makeup more naturally. I’m no scientist myself, but there seems to be something about the warmth of my fingertips that helps certain cream products like concealer, blush, and highlighters blend seamlessly into my skin. But there are some things your fingers just can’t do: sculpt a flawless contour, evenly distribute powder eye shadow, or get rid of T-zone oiliness. I recently tried to apply baby-blue eye shadow with my finger, and when I looked in the mirror, I realized it came out spotty and strange, like my eyelids were decorated in blue cow print. Brushes a...