The Best Tools To Make At-Home Pedicures Incredibly Easy
Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedinGrooming your feet is the kind of task that many of us put off or avoid until the last possible moment—i.e. the first sandal encounter of spring. Confronting callouses, cracked heels and sad, neglected toes is not exactly fun. But, with the right tools (and some patience), the process is surprisingly easy. Once you take care of the basic, non-complicated skincare steps—buffing, smoothing, softening—your feet actually do look remarkably refreshed. Polish is extra credit at that point.During the pandemic when there was no other option but to DIY, I embraced foot-care. Interestingly, a lot of the so-called “spa” pedicure steps are not essential: Soaking your feet in water, for example, makes your nails swell and subsequently shrink when dry, which can weaken your polish and create chips. Also, the pricier polishes don’t always come with the easiest-to-use brushes—avoid those with rounded bristles and long handles, which can be hard to cont...